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AI-driven platform: To detect, hunt and investigate cyber threats

Technology advancements aim to simplify and speed up tasks for humanity. However, like any other, technology has a downside to it as well. As technology progresses, so do the means to exploit it. Cybercriminals consistently devise novel methods to hack into and target various digital systems. The threat of cyber security breaches is ever-growing and can be extremely detrimental if not checked in time. Cybersecurity is critical today as the world continues to develop innovate technologically. A substantial number of cybersecurity experts are focused on identifying loopholes, providing a secure system, and reinforcing firm security protocols.

What is AI, and how does it functions?

Technology has existed for a while, but Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become very popular in the past three years. It is quickly becoming an essential tool in everyday life, making many mundane tasks easier. AI is also always improving and learning more at its own pace. To get the best out of an AI system, it is essential to understand how to craft effective prompts. Mastering prompt engineering will enable you to obtain desired results from the AI, thus helping you to master this technology. To maximize optimization in cybersecurity, organizations have recently started utilizing a combination of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning. This practice is becoming increasingly valuable in the cybersecurity industry.

How is AI relevant to cybersecurity?

Anvilogic is an AI-based detection platform designed specifically for uncovering cyber threats. With the help of this platform, it has been shown that AI can effectively assist in identifying and tracking these threats. This technology can help make your business more secure and protect you from any malicious activities or breaches. AI has been proven to be a reliable security tool and can even detect potential threats in the network. It also implements the MITRE ATT&CK framework mapping, which helps in providing useful insights and recommendations for detection, investigation and implementation. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the process of Detection engineering by providing automated insights. This saves time and makes it easier to put these detections into action quickly.

How does this help in the process?

The efficiency of AI has eliminated the time-consuming process of manually identifying and addressing cyber threats, leading to improved security. This also gives you more time to focus on other aspects of your business. Thanks to the advancements in AI, the entire process of threat research, detection implementation, and improvement has become much faster and more accessible for the Security Operation Centre teams. This helps tremendously in saving time for SOC teams across different organizations.

Cybersecurity organizations using AI

AI can be a much-needed asset in cybersecurity, especially when it comes to accelerating the process of locating any possible threats. Moreover, Artificial Intelligence (AI) can automate detections resulting in detection engineering. By leveraging AI capacity to detect and enhance, SOC can quickly offer recommendations and insights adapted from these optimizations.


In recent years, AI has been utilized to its fullest extent, and one of the areas it has had a major effect on is cybersecurity. It allows for the optimization and verification of security systems at an accelerated rate. AI and machine learning can be used together to provide more effective cybersecurity measures. This approach might help you detect and even prevent cyber-attacks by using Moving Target Detection (MTD). It is a complex yet effective way to deal with increasingly sophisticated cyber threats. Integrating AI into hunting, detecting, and deploying cybersecurity operations will likely bring about a major transformation in the field of security. This technology can greatly improve the effectiveness of current cybersecurity measures.


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