Both WAF and a firewall play a critical role in network security. Despite the size of the network, these two things must be in place to provide total security, not only to the end-user but also to the entire network. Firewall and WAF are often confused as one, actually, they are entirely different.

What is a firewall?
A firewall is a specified version of the router where the data packets are examined for their authenticity and credibility. Once the validation checks are over, the firewall decides whether to allow them or not. Every traffic passes through a firewall and only authorized traffic is further allowed to pass.

What is a WAF?
Web Application Firewall (WAF) helps guard web applications by monitoring and filtering HTTP traffic between web applications and the Internet. Web Application Firewalls exist both in physical and virtual appliances form.

From the above elucidation, it is clear that a WAF provides security to the web-based application, whereas a firewall provides security to the entire network. A firewall is preinstalled on almost all the computers, while a WAF is not.
A Firewall is necessary for every person who has an active internet connection. Without a firewall, one may leave himself open to accepting every connection in the network and end up being in a place where there is no chance of addressing incoming threats.
A WAF is necessary for any business that handles private customer data. It keeps the destructive and disruptive forces out and controls the incoming and outgoing traffic based on the security parameter one can control and refine.
A WAF works based on a set of rulesets, the most common type of ruleset used across any WAF is OWASP Top 10 ModSecurity rulesets. StrongBox IT’s Modshield SB works on the core ModSecurity rulesets, which can avert vulnerabilities during the time of the attack.
MODSHIELD SB WAF defends against a wide range of web-based instructions and attacks that targets applications hosted on the cloud and in web applications. MODSHIELD SB scans both inbound and outbound traffic, thereby protecting the user from any sort of attacks.
Highlights of Modshield SB:
● Inbuilt Load balancer
● Data Leakage Protection
● Unlimited domain support with zero additional costs
● Unlimited custom ruleset.
We would be delighted to get on a call and discuss how StrongBox IT can add value to your organisation in the cybersecurity environment.
Read more about WAF here